Hello Friends! I'm aware I've not posted a new short story in a while but the novel writing has been going really well, so I'm just running with it whilst I'm in a good flow. Not that it's a race, but once I complete the draft, I can sit back, take some time think about how I want to improve things with a fresh draft, and hopefully get some short stories out, and take some extra reading time! That will be lovely! I have some ideas and themes for new short stories that I definitely want to play with.
Really though, it's worth sitting back and thinking about what it has actually been like, writing the first draft, of my very first novel. For starters, I cannot actually believe I am about to hit the 100 page milestone - this seems incredible to me, anyone who knows me really well, will know just how much I suffer with crippling fear and a lack of confidence. I honestly didn't know if I would make it this far. I am so relieved I have managed to push through to this stage, I really do fear my words just drying up all together some days.
Bearing in mind each novel is different and you need to discover the way it wants to be written in so many different ways. The main thing I have learned during this process is the need to be methodical, to break each task down into a manageable piece, to spend each day working on small tasks that need to be completed, or problems that need to be addressed. I found looking too hard at the big picture or dreaming about holding a finished end product in my hand, just terrified me.
I have planned the novel's structure in a broad outline and identified scenes or images that I would like to see end up in the novel, but I have been working out how to journey through the story as I go along. This also allows for the story to evolve organically, during its first incarnation - you'd be amazed how this approach can surprise you, your characters will just do and say things you would never have expected them to. Some days I have no idea how a character will get from A to B.
There's a really good Writer and Book Tuber online called Rachael Stephen who created a wonderful instructional video on Brainstorming. I have found some of these 'Directed Brainstorming' techniques absolutely invaluable. If you get stuck just ask yourself the right question and keep answering it till you find your way through, or if necessary ask yourself a different question, so so helpful. I doubt she'll ever see this post, but just in case, Rachael, thank you, I am indebted to you! - See the link to her vid, down below!
Another tool I have found useful is an app for your phone called 'Writeometer'.
Now, I admit, I was sceptical about this app. I felt I didn't need timers or carrots dangled in front of my nose, so to speak. I didn't feel I lacked for discipline to sit in front of the computer all day long to write. However, if you are getting a bit stuck, or not writing as fluidly as you would like, a concentrated focused hour of work is better than five wasted ones. Setting myself concentrated work sessions with preferred word count goals has helped me achieve far more than I expected. The app also allows you to see your progress and helps you see that, yes, you're working - and not doing as badly as the demons in your head say. Also, if you do have a rough idea about a deadline or preferred word counts, it will give you an average of what you need to write per day, again this helped me to see the project as being actually very manageable and very achievable. This was a good feeling! Plus, I appreciated someone doing the maths for me!
Anyway, all I'm saying is, these strategies and aids have been helping me through, what personally, to my mind, is a daunting and difficult process. As such, I wanted to share them with anyone who might be in a similar situation. So here's to the next 100 pages - who knows what challenges they may bring? Wish me luck!
POSTSCRIPT: Since writing the above about the Writerometer app, I can no longer find it on the Play Store. I have had to resort it using other productivity timers - there are many to choose from, though I've not found any that are specific to Novel Writing. I have explored other Novel Note apps and have not found this same feature again, someone please correct me if I'm wrong. For now, inserting frowny, grumpy, sulky, emoji here … ☹️