I wanted to create a space for my stories. I wanted to share my prose with actual readers. the people for whom this process begins and ends.

Ante Meridiem

Early hours

Dawn struggles to open its eyes to the day.

The sun persists.

Calling her army of nature to rally

Her bee-drones to gather the drowsy-sweet seducing nectar …

Her infantry of birds and insects mustered with repetition,

To the march,

To the chorus.

The murky-eyed morning chill skims against the burden of dew-heavy fields.

Rays of light hit the wall.

Fire up the mind.



Things that are spoiled.

The wasteland.


With all the broken things …

A bleak affair.

You wander through …

Boxes with wonky lids won’t shut down tight.

All the scattered pages torn from books.

Beaten and battered against the wind.

Fond memories.

Translucent now.

Ghosts in limbo.

Their voices echo down the hallway.

All that waits

Unseen, unknown.

Within the shadow casts,

Try to beckon and bewitch.

But darkness lours and

Pulls you in with heavy arms,

To stand firm against the day,

Another hour.

By Robyn Hunt (c) 2024



